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Homemade Clean-Up Wipes
Best Pre-Treaters Dawn PowerPlus dishwashing liquid Zout Totally Toddler Meat tenderizer paste (mix meat tenderizer w/water to form a paste) -- for protein stains
For a last-resort stain remover, try a little liquid dishWASHER detergent. Scrub it in. Be careful to test in an inconspicuous area first to check for color-fastness.
Crayon WD-40 removes crayon from walls AND clothing.
Homemade OxiClean Recipe Mix one cup hot water, 1/2 cup baking soda, and 1/2 cup hydrogen peroxide. Just soak the clothing in it for 20 minutes to overnight and then wash as usual. -- MM
Dishes Place a dryer sheet and warm water in crusted pots and pans overnight. Then use the dryer sheet to wipe clean. -- Kim from MN
Nail Polish In December my two year old son had spilled nail polish on our light gray carpet. I had tried for two months to get it out using all the tips from the Queen of Clean book, our wet-vac machine, and steam. It would thin out a little, but not go away. Finally I decided to try some 80% Ethyl Alcohol we had. Within 5 minutes of scrubbing, the nail polish spot was completely gone. I even tried the alcohol on paint I found in my sons' room. Pulled it right up. -- Leesa from AZ
Caps To get a baseball cap clean, put in the dishwasher on the top rack, along with the dishes. When finished, stretch it, and reshape the bill, and put over a pan to air dry. -- Mary from OH
I kept an empty can of baby formula as a mini-trash can for when I cut
up vegetables. When I buy veggies, I always use the plastic bag provided
by the grocery store. When it comes time to cut up veggies, I use one of
the plastic bag and place it inside the can. I cut out the unneeded part of the veggie and throw it in the can. When I'm done with the
preparations, I just take out the plastic bag and throw it in the large
garbage can. I save some time by not having to walk to the garbage can
and throw out stuff each time I cut up a veggie. Less mess, less
clean-up. -- Janice from TX Swiffers Instead of buying the new, wet wipes for the Swiffer sweeper, I made my own. (It took 2 wet clothes just to barely clean my kitchen floor, and I did this everyday.) I had old cloth diapers lying around that I didn't know what to do with; the really nice, thick ones. I prepared my cleaning product, put it in the sink. Then I put the diaper in, gently wring it out, and put it on the Swiffer. I have to say, because of the thickness, it did a better job of getting the floor clean, and when it was dirty I just went to the sink, rinsed it out and put it on again. I threw it in the laundry pile when I was done. I have also heard of using old receiving blankets cut down to size for this. -- Loretta from VA
Scuff Marks
The Mr. Clean Magic Eraser also works great for scuff marks!