laundry. Mention the work and you'll see moms wince. It's a job that's never done, and it can take a big bite out of your budget. Here are some tips to preserve your clothing, your budget, and your sanity:
- Proper care of your children's clothing will extend its life and help it bring a higher price if you plan on selling it when it has been outgrown. Be sure to pretreat stains and wash special outfits in cold water to minimize fading.
- Make your own stain pretreater by mixing one part laundry detergent, one part hydrogen peroxide, and one part water in a spray bottle. Spray stains and rub material together or scrub with a soft brush if needed.
- When buying laundry detergent, consider the cost per load. Because the amount of detergent needed for a load can vary by brand, the price per ounce isn't a reliable measure of the true cost.
- Make your own laundry soap at home. Combine a half a bar of grated Fels-Naptha soap with two pints water. Heat on low until melted. Stir in ½ cup Borax and ½ cup Washing Soda (found in the laundry aisle) and remove from heat. Pour the mixture into a large bucket and add enough water to make two gallons. Let the mixture stand overnight to thicken. Use one cup per load.