When purchasing a real Christmas tree to display inside your home this year, consider asking the salespeople at the tree lot if they’ll give you a second smaller tree at a bargain price. That’s what we did this year for a tree for our deck, and we loved how it turned out. We decided that since the Christmas tree would be going in our back yard, we’d decorate it with natural things the birds would enjoy. Here is what we put on our tree:
Natural Christmas Tree Decoration Ideas:
• A garland created from popcorn and chokecherries from a tree in our yard — cranberries also work well and are readily available this time of year
• Orange slices hung with wire garland
• Cheerios strung on wire garland (pipe cleaners would also work well)
• Birdseed balls
How to Make Birdseed Balls:
1 hunk beef suet
½ C. peanut butter
Sunflower seeds
Heat suet in the microwave until soft. Mix in peanut butter and remaining ingredients. Shape into balls when the mixture is still pliable yet not too soft that it falls apart. Refrigerate (or set outside) until completely solid.
I love it. What a great idea!