Elf on the Shelf: Mischievous Ideas
Elves LOVE to have fun. Here are some easy, clever, mischievous ideas for your elf. Thanks to my friend Allison and Mommysavers readers Kristin, Jennifer, Tami, Francesca, Melissa, Alisa and Bianica for sharing their cute elf pictures with us!
This elf is popping out of a cereal box. This also looks cute with the Snap, Krackle and Pop elves on the Rice Krispies cereal box.
Oh, boy! This elf has turned the toilet water GREEN! (Just add a couple drops of food coloring)
This funny elf has drawn on the frames! Glasses, beards… oh, my!
Q-tips are used to make a snowflake design
What a mess! The elf here got into some mischief leaving messages in the flour.
This elf has even painted the sliding glass door with paint!
Chester the elf has “stolen” the cookies!
This elf has made a mess making paper snowflakes
No beards or whiskers for this elf… he’s clean shaven!
Taking a spin with Andy from Toy Story on the ceiling fan
More elf mischief with the flour – this time, making “snow” angels!
This elf used the toilet paper tube as a toboggan to “sled” down the stairs!”
Turning the ice cubes red and green
Ha ha ha… little mini chocolate chips are funny when placed on the toilet
This elf doesn’t want to fall in!
More mischief with the green food coloring!