Busy moms often need some tricks and tips to stay on track, and a Household Notebook is one way to accomplish that.
I created my first Household Notebook in 2007 when my husband and I took a week off to travel to Iceland. Back then, my Household Notebook was designed for anyone who had to step into the role of household manager while we were away, such as a grandmother or a babysitter. It not only included the kids’ schedules, chore lists, important phone numbers and medical information, I also added a guide to our local cable TV channels and take-out menus as well. My current Household Notebook is pictured above (thanks to Mommysavers member 2bearsmom for helping me with it). The new one includes many of the same things, plus my spreadsheets from the Forget the Joneses Project.
You can make your very on Household Notebook too. It doesn’t cost much at all or take much time. The best part is that once it’s done, it’s easily updated; so investing the time to make one to begin with is a smart move.
Just use a 3-ring binder, tabbed dividers for sections (such as chores, medical, friends and family, or kids’ activities). It’s a good idea to use sheet protectors on pages that get used on a regular basis. I also put a zippered-pocket in my binder for small items (see photo below). Each person’s Household Notebook will be different depending on their lifestyle and what works for them. The most important thing is to recognize what works for you and what information will benefit your family the most.
Suggested Pages/Spreadsheets to Include in a Household Notebook:
- Addresses
- Kids’ class lists
- Birthdays and anniversaries
- Honey-do lists
- Calendars
- Kids’ activity schedules and rosters
- Family mission statement
- School lunch menu
- Gift-giving spreadsheet
- Chore lists
- Take-out menus
- Immunization records
- Health information
- Goals
- Household budget
- Debt spreadsheet and paydown plan
- Important warranties and receipts
- Your “100 Things” bucket list

For more ideas on how to use your Household Notebook visit this discussion thread: Do You Use a Control Journal/Household Notebook?
Plus, watch our Simple Living Forum for Organization Challenges coming soon!
I love this idea! I don’t have one, but I think it would help considerably!
And now my’ bucket list’ lives in my project section! :o)
I think that this is an awesome idea as soon as i have some extra money im gonna go out and get the supplies to make my handbook =)