We all want to squeeze a little bit more value out of each dollar, right? These are some relatively painless ways to save money without sacrificing your lifestyle or standard of living. In fact, … [Read more...]
Search Results for: insurance
Ways to Save Money at Costco + What You Should and Shouldn’t Buy
I love Costco! I don't have a membership but my mom does and we go at least once or twice a month. I really can't go anymore than that because it's too enticing and I want to buy everything! Here … [Read more...]
Making the Transition to Stay at Home Mom by Shelley Burke
Perhaps you're hoping to make the transition from working full-time outside of your home to working part-time, or staying home full-time. With the Lord's guidance and help and the commitment of … [Read more...]
Leaving a Crazy Lifestyle Behind by Lucinda Koesters
"It was a life I wanted to leave behind," says Marijo Varney, 36, of Keene, New Hampshire, referencing her "crazy" dual-income existence of two years ago. Husband, Jim, 40, a Quality Engineer for a … [Read more...]
Ways to Cut Monthly Expenses
If you've been following our Forget the Joneses series, by now you should have computed how much money you’ll need to retire, to pay off debt, and build your emergency fund. For some of you, there … [Read more...]
Financial Success Checklist
Image Credit Financial Success Checklist Emergencies happen. Cars break down. Kids get sick. People lose jobs. Those are simple facts of life. It’s not a matter of if they happen; it's a matter … [Read more...]