Do you have a Connect 4 board game? Do you have a child who is too young to play? Think again!
We recently borrowed a Connect 4 game from our toy library, and our baby loves it! He puts the checkers in the slots, then dumps them all out and plays again. Look at him sharpening his fine motor skills!
The Connect 4 board game says ages 6+, so our nearly-4 year old doesn’t quite understand the rules either. But this has been one of the biggest hit games from the toy library so far.
We also used the Connect 4 checkers to drop into an empty baby wipes container. What fun! Between these two toddler games, our 16-month old was occupied for a several hours over the week.
Please keep in mind that the Connect 4 checkers could post a choking hazard if your toddler still puts things in his mouth.
Fun Fact: Hasbro games are marketed in India under the name “Funskool.” Look familiar?
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HI:) I am already collecting milk caps, juice caps, any kind of plastic cap for my 3 month old when he grows up… My older son loved playing with them at a friend’s house, they are great for sorting colors/sizes or just dumping and picking up! Leah
What a great idea, Leah! Thanks for sharing.
Great idea. We do have a Connect Four in the closet waiting until she’s “old enough”. Maybe I’ll get it out!
p.s. we have that outfit for our little guy too!