The KonMari decluttering craze is hitting homes everywhere, and has many moms asking, "Does this spark joy?" with everything from old sweaters to memorabilia. I first learned about Marie Kondo's … [Read more...]
Search Results for: eye care tips
Organizing Your Home: Declutter to Save Money
Ways Your Clutter is Costing You Money Most of us have clutter in our homes, especially busy moms. Not only is clutter an annoyance, it could actually be detrimental to your budget. Here are a few … [Read more...]
Uses for Coconut Oil: 50 Unique Ideas and Suggestions
Uses for Coconut Oil: 50+ Unique Ideas Uses for Coconut Oil: Consumable Coconut oil can be used in cooking and baking (a good replacement for any vegetable oils). It's a good oil for deep … [Read more...]
Saving Money on American Girl Dolls and Accessories
American Girl Dolls are always a popular items on little girls' Christmas wish lists. However, they can be outrageously expensive! With a little bit of planning and creativity, you can provide these … [Read more...]