If you're like most Americans, you've got some amount of consumer debt. Instead of just wishing it would go away, take action and get it under control by coming up with a plan to pay it off. Trying to pay down debt without one is like going on a … [Read more...]
Search Results for: most current
Organizing Your 100-Things “Forget the Joneses” Bucket List
In yesterday's blog post, I wrote about creating a 100-Things "Forget the Joneses" bucket list. Today, I'll show you how to organize and refine your list so it actually WORKS for you. If you're wondering what creating a bucket list has to do with … [Read more...]
Forget the Joneses: Create a Family Bucket List
Creating a Family Bucket List If you had the ability to wave a magic wand to create your ideal life in every possible way, what would it look like? How would things be different than they are now? Are there certain things you’d like to experience or … [Read more...]
Hitting the Bullseye: How to Find the Best Deals at Target
How to Find the BEST Deals at Target Not only is Target one of my favorite stores for day-to-day purchases, it is one of my favorite stores in which to look for bargains. Some of my best deals at Target include: baby clothes to give as gifts for … [Read more...]
Black Friday Shopping Tips: Super Saving Strategies
Black Friday Shopping Tips For many people, shopping is just as much a part of Thanksgiving weekend as turkey and pumpkin pie. In fact, last year more than 140 million shoppers hit stores on Black Friday alone. Besides being the first day of the … [Read more...]
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