When it comes to saving time and money in the kitchen, it pays to plan ahead. That means knowing what you need before you need it and buying when prices are rock bottom, rather than when you run out … [Read more...]
Search Results for: decision
You and Your Wardrobe by Nikki Willhite
There are many articles written on how to save money on clothing. Nothing ever stays the same. There are always new things to be learned, new tips, and new … [Read more...]
Gardening on a Budget by Arzeena Hamir
Once the buzz of Christmas has passed, the task of paying off bills can leave many gardeners on a strict budget. Gardeners who need to make frugal decisions at this time of the year can take heart in … [Read more...]
Consignment Shopping Pays Off by Rachel Paxton
Is your closet full of clothes you never wear? You can bet there are a lot of people who have a closet or dressers full of clothes they never wear. I did too, until I started consignment … [Read more...]
Back to School Clothes on a Budget by Kimberly Danger
Back to School Clothes on a Budget It’s almost here again: Time for the kids to head back to school. But before they set foot on that school bus, you’ll most likely be heading to the local mall to … [Read more...]
Leaving a Crazy Lifestyle Behind by Lucinda Koesters
"It was a life I wanted to leave behind," says Marijo Varney, 36, of Keene, New Hampshire, referencing her "crazy" dual-income existence of two years ago. Husband, Jim, 40, a Quality Engineer for a … [Read more...]