Camping is is pretty much the definition of a frugal family vacation. If you already have the gear, it’s way cheaper than a hotel and there are campsites everywhere from outside amusement parks or even by the beach. Here are some neat camping hacks that may come in handy during your next camping trip. What’s great about all of these tips is that most of these items are either things that you already own, come from The Dollar Store, or can be found at thrift stores and at yard sales.
1. Foil Wrapped Meals: This one might be obvious for seasoned campers. However those who don’t camp a lot may be surprised to realize that you can simply wrap food up in a couple layers of foil, bury it in some coals, and come out with some really delicious home-cooked meals by the fire. Here are a few examples:
2. Turn a Shoe Organizer into a Kitchen Tools Organizer: This one is pretty simple. I mean you can hang up shoe organizers anywhere. This hack doesn’t have to be strictly for kitchen supplies. You can hang one up in your tent to keep track of anything like actual shoes, socks, toiletries, diapers, anything little you may need when camping with a family.
3. Cool Camping Apps: Of course there is an app for everything including tons for your camping needs.
- Camp Finder: Lists 19,000 campsites nationwide and has other convenient features
- Camping Checklist: Convenient way to add and delete items and keep it near you
- MyTrails: Topographic Map of hiking trails and more.
4. Easy Campsite Lamp: A gallon of water and a headlamp creates an easy way to light up the campsite for less than $5.
5. Foam Puzzle Tiles as a Tent Floor: This is a great idea, especially if you are camping for more than a day or two! It’s easy to keep clean and it’s great for toddlers so their knees don’t get sore.
6. Store Toilet Paper in a Coffee Can: This will keep is dry again rain, dew, or any other moisture. Trust me when I say you do not want all of your toilet paper to get wet! *photo from Alaska Outdoor Journal
7. DIY Camp Fire Starters: Empty toiler paper rolls and dryer lint make effective fire starters.
8. Portable Hand Washing Station: Fill an old and washed out laundry soap dispenser with water to use has a hand washing station for your campsite.
9. Convenient Travel Potty: If you really are out in the middle of nowhere and especially if you have small children, a potty like this would be a really great idea. I couldn’t find the instructions for this one but it looks pretty simple. All you need is a bucket, trash bag, and a pool noodle (cut down the middle). Then you take off the handle the loop the toilet paper through, then reattach the handle. *photo comes from Budget 101
10. Firewood Storage: This is an awesome idea for keeping your firewood dry and off the ground (Don’t forget a shower curtain liner for covering the wood).
Find more Cheap Camping Tips HERE and these great Camping Recipes HERE.
Great hacks…so inventive!
Easy campside light is a must for my next trip.