I’m a bit envious of anyone who has one of those cute little desk areas in their kitchen that seem to be common in newer homes. Because we have no common desk area, we frequently have paper piles accumulate on the kitchen counter. Mail, school work, phone messages – it’s all there until someone gets around to picking it up. My kitchen organization station is helping us conquer some of those paper piles. Here’s how I created mine:
- First, figure out what kind of clutter you’re dealing with. Identifying the offenders is the first step in finding a solution. For us, the main culprits were: mail, school papers, chore checklists, and grocery lists.
- Figure out ways to contain the major offenders. These black binder clips work well for attaching just about anything to the side of your organizer: Lists, phone number, coupons, stamps, calendars, and so on.
- Find a solid, sturdy file bin to use as your base (I got mine at Target for $9.99).
- Place frequently used documents inside. For us, that was the school phone directory, our household notebook, laminated chore charts and activity schedules.
- Because my organizers is so sturdy, I can even use it as an iPad holder/charging station when I’m cooking and need to refer to a recipe I find online.
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This is a great idea, more pictures would have been awesome though! I will probably try to do this but being thrifty I will have to find something I have or make one out of cardboard or something. Thanks for sharing!