Frugal Holiday Tradition: Book Countdown
Budget: $0 to $100
Time: 1 hour to wrap, 10 minutes each night to spend with your family
Resources: holiday books, or your library, wrapping paper
On Thanksgiving, or when you decorate for the holidays, wrap up 24 books. Starting on December 1st, unwrap one and read it with your family that night.
Make it Frugal:
- Get your holiday books at the thrift store on their “discount” days
- Get a weeks’ worth of holiday books from the library each week
- Get a holiday chapter book and read a chapter each night
- Purchase a holiday “collection” book with lots of stories that can be used for many nights
- Buy a new holiday book for each child each year until you have a full set. If you only have 10 books, start on December 15th.
Other Suggestions:
- Use the Christmas Story from the Bible for Christmas Eve
- You could also read a holiday book each night of Hanukkah
- Keep the wrapped books under the tree, or in a basket in the family room and they double as decoration
Thanks to Swishina for sharing this idea in our Free or Frugal Holiday Fun Ideas discussion!
I love that I have 7 of your books pictured lol, old school! To make my daughters book countdown less expensive, I have been using all of my xmas books from my childhood (yep, I have them all!) And as I find good deals, I will slowly add new ones. She is two, so some of the ones I have aren’t as engaging for her but I intend on keeping them and she can just ‘grow’ into them.