Yes, making your own household cleaners and detergents in a great way to save money. Here’s one that was originally posted years ago, but it still works like a charm!
For Homemade Dishwasher Detergent You’ll Need:
1 C. Borax (20 Mule-Team Borax is cheap HERE on Amazon)
- 1 C. Washing Soda (you’ll find that HERE on Amazon) – Don’t confuse this with baking soda, it’s not the same thing, although you can get it from Arm & Hammer.
- ½ C. citric acid (you’ll find that HERE on Amazon) – You can use this to make Homemade Bath Bombs too
- ½ C. kosher salt
Mix all the ingredients and store in an airtight container or jar. Use 1 Tbsp per load. This batch makes enough for about 24 loads. Don’t substitute any of the ingredients, or your dishwasher detergent won’t work effectively. The Borax isn’t a liquid, but it does help emulsify the other ingredients while in action. The citric acid keeps it from clumping together.
More DIY Homemade Cleaners:
Homemade Laundry Stain Remover
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