Here’s a fun and quick owl craft I made with my preschooler the other day. Perhaps you’re looking for crafts to entertain your preschool-aged children during the cold winter months. Me, I think maybe I have too much time on my hands now that I have a maid. Hmm. Anyway, after we learned about O in our home preschool, my daughter Maggie noticed that O is for Owl and asked to make an owl. So we did!
For this craft you will need construction paper, a crayon, a glue stick, and googly eyes. I bought a large bag of googly eyes at the dollar store. The bag had three different sizes of eyes in it, including these giant ones which were perfect for an owl. We made a white owl with black wings, but you could also create a brown owl with tan wings. Here are the colors we used and the shapes we cut out.
white (or brown)- owl body
black (or tan) – two wings
orange – two feet and a diamond-shaped beak
yellow – two big eye circles
black – two little eye circles
Glue the wings onto the owl’s body. Our owl craft has wings up like he is flying. Glue the wings pointing away from the body on the bottom to have him resting. Glue the feet to the back of the owl’s body. Glue the small eye circles on the large eye circles. Add the googly eyes on top and glue to the owl’s face. Fold the beak in half and glue the bottom half to the owl’s face. Use the crayon to draw feather’s on the owl’s body and wings.
o my!! i love owls and i think that this would be so cute to hang up in an owl room! you are so creative!!