In today’s modern world, we have become accustomed to relying on others to provide our basic needs. From hairdressers to auto mechanics we look to others to take care of our daily needs.
When we make the choice to simplify our life, we should start thinking of ways we can become more self-sufficient.
Many think in order to simplify our life we need to move to the country, raise animals and tend a large garden, but in all reality it means we need to take back control of our own well-being.
It means making the best choices for our families and stop relying on others to do what we have been given two hands to do ourself.
Here are a few easy things anyone can do to learn to be more self-sufficient.
- Learn to grow vegetables
- Learn about green cleaners and rid your home of harmful chemicals
- Learn to recycle, reuse and make do
- Learn to change your own oil
- Learn to mow your own grass
- Learn to do basic home maintenance
- Learn to iron your own laundry
- Learn how to sew
- Learn how to give a basic haircut
- Learn how to do basic gardening
Becoming more self-sufficient does not need to be hard, it just takes a desire to stop relying on others and look into ourselves to care and nurture the needs of our families.
About the Author: Living a simple life in a modern world can be a challenge at times, but Tracy from Our Simple Life SC has a passion for living life as basic as possible. Preserving the art of homemaking and homesteading keeps her focused and keeps her from falling prey to the modern world around her. Join her as she shares the ways she has found to slow down, simplify and enjoy life one day at a time.
Hi Tracy, I’ve been looking over and reading some of your posts, visiting pages. I like them very much so feel free to send comments to my email addy. Have a nice day! May hummingbirds gather around in your space and sweet little butterflies camp outside your window wherever you may be standing or sitting.
Betty J.