If you're new to my Frugal Foreigner posts, read all about it here! You can read all previous posts in the series here. This may be a good time to point out that if you'd ever like to enlarge a … [Read more...]
Search Results for: ways to know
How to Make a No-Sew Fleece Blanket
How to Make a No-Sew Fleece Blanket I've made a few of these no-sew fleece blankets over the years and they've always turned out to be family favorites. If you can get the fleece on sale, they're … [Read more...]
Frugal Ideas for Creative Homemade Gift Wrapping, Packaging and Tags
It's time to wrap your Christmas gifts! Looking for some frugal, but creative ways to wrap the gifts you bought this Christmas? Here are a few ideas beyond wrapping paper. I don't usually use gift … [Read more...]
Beecher’s Mac and Cheese Copycat Recipe (Featured on Oprah’s Favorite Things)
Beecher's World's Best Mac and Cheese My eleven-year-old daughter recently watched the latest episode of Oprah - you know, the one where she lists her favorite things. Never mind the cool … [Read more...]
Mommysavers on Fox 5 Atlanta
I was on the Fox 5 news in Atlanta last Thursday sharing some tips from my book, Instant Bargains: 600 Ways to Shrink Your Grocery Bill and Eat Well for Less. Here's a link to the video clip. It's … [Read more...]
How to Create a Grocery Price Book
Create a Price Book to Track Grocery Prices What exactly is a price book? It’s a tool used to track prices of things you commonly purchase (typically groceries - but this can extend to … [Read more...]