When it comes to saving money, timing is everything. You can rack up big savings during the year if you know when to buy certain items for your household. Grocery stores typically run sales that happen in cycles every 12-15 weeks. At one point during that period, the price will be at its highest. On the other end on that cycle, the price will be at its lowest. Savvy grocery shoppers will stock up on a 3-4 month supply of these items when they see the price hit rock bottom. Also, stores will sometimes run sales that only happen monthly.
Store sales cycles are influenced by availability, promotions, holidays, and other consumer trends.
What's on Sale During January
- Oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit, blood oranges, tangerines, tangelos, apples, kiwi, passion fruit, pears, pineapple, pomegranate, papayas
- Celery, carrots, cauliflower, cabbage, avocados, broccoli, kale, leeks, spinach, brussels sprouts, parsnips, potatoes, turnips
Diet/Health Foods:
- Frozen Meals – Atkins, Smart Ones, Healthy Choice, Special K, Lean Cuisine
- Other Diet/Health Foods and Beverages – Weight Watcher's, South Beach, Slim Fast, Balance, Kashi
Cereal/Snack Bars:
- oatmeal (National Oatmeal Month) Quaker Oats
- Special K, General Mills Twin Packs of cereal, Cheerios (family size)
- Nutri-Grain bars, Fiber Plus, Pop-tarts, Nature Valley granola bars,
- Yogurt – Activia, Danimals, Yoplait, Chobani and many other brands
- Eggs
Pre-Superbowl Foods:
- snacks like chips, salsa, pretzels, dips
- Buffalo wings, meatballs, appetizers
- Soda (Pepsi, Coke)
- Velveeta, Hormel chili
- You can find winter clothing items at 40-70% off (sometimes as high as 80%) because stores are making room for spring and summer clothing.
- Sweaters, stocking caps, gloves, scarves, snow pants, winter coats, winter boots, slippers, flannel pajamas
- TVs and digital cameras
Fitness Gear/Equipment:
- Treadmills, exercise bikes, elliptical trainers, complete home gyms
- Dumbbell sets, hand weights, exercise balls, yoga mats
- Running shoes, clothing (shorts, wick tees)
- Training dvd's
- Memberships to gyms will be at discount prices
Health Products for Winter:
- Vitamins, Herbal supplements, cough syrup, facial tissues,
Organizational Items:
- Storage containers, calendars, label makes, shelving, tax software
- Sheets (flannel), blankets (fleece), towels, area rugs, carpeting, dinnerware
- Look for retailers to hold what they call “White Sales”
- Cosmetics, sun-care products and beachwear (These items get special attention because now is when people take vacations to warm destinations)
Season Passes:
- Early Bird Discounts – zoos, amusement parks, museums
Holiday Items:
- christmas items can be found to be 90% of original prices. Stock up on items to give as gifts.
- Buy plain gift wrap to use all year long. Anything solids red can be used for Valentine's Day and 4th of July. Solid green works for St. Patrick's Day.
- Be sure to check the toy aisles for markdown items.
- Shop the New Year's supplies for anything that doesn't have the year on it can be used for another New Year's party. Also, be sure to check for markdown wines and sparkling juices.
Extra Ways to Help You Save Each Month:
- Using coupons with sale prices makes you save even more money at the store!
- Visit our Frugal Moms Coupon forum to print coupons, join a coupon train and more.
- Keeping a Price Book either on your smartphone or in a small spiral notebook
- in your purse will help you track prices for the grocery items you buy most often. That way, when you see a deal you'll know whether it's something you should stock up on.
- There are also lots of Grocery Store Shopping Apps available to download from Amazon to help you keep track.
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