There has been a lot of buzz that gas prices will top $5.00 per gallon this summer. We’re also talking about it in our forums, where moderator deemom is challenging Mommysavers members to see how they can use less gas this month.
I thought it would be interesting to track gas prices in my town over the course of the next few months to see if it turns out to be an accurate prediction (I’ve already got several weeks tracked below). Let me know how much gas is in YOUR community by adding your comment.
*UPDATE* As of May 25th, gas here in Minnesota has dropped by $.10/week for the past two weeks in a row. Will we be down another $.10 next week?
There may not be a lot you can do about the price you pay at the pump, but here are some ways to save on gas:
- Make sure your tires are properly inflated
- Keep your engine tuned up
- Replace clogged air filters
- Have your kids ride the school bus is possible
- Walk or ride a bike
- Don’t drive over 55 mph
- Organize errand running and combine trips
- Carpool with others
- Shop online when possible instead of running to the store
- Take advantage of delivery services
- Lighten up! Remove any extra weight from your car to improve mileage
- Check Gas Buddy for the lowest prices in your area
- Fill up mid-week as prices trend higher on the weekends
- Use a rewards card for your gas purchases
- Compute the cost of gas on trips you frequently make (such as to retail areas) and consider the cost whenever you venture out
- Call first to confirm that stores carry what you need to purchase
- Remove vinyl tops, ski racks, bike racks, luggage racks and anything external on your car that causes drag
- Purchase a GPS device (we have the Garmin Nuvi) to avoid taking the “long route” by mistake
- Avoid running the air conditioning by keeping windows open and parking in the shade to keep your vehicle cool

Gas is around $3.47-$3.55 in Camden County, NJ
Hi Kim, just have to tell you, I grew up in Mankato, but have lived in Florida for the past 12 years. I found your blog a while ago as a part of my couponing and get a kick out of all the references to home. Thanks for all you do 🙂
I’m jealous that you live in Florida! (Well, at least in the winter months!) Glad you’re having fun with the site. 🙂
Actually opening windows while driving increases drag as much as or equal to the cost of running the air conditioner, so You might as well just run the A/c because it’s just as expensive.
I believe it depends on the speed, Jennifer. Slower speeds are better than faster speeds as far as drag is concerned. Thanks for pointing that out!
Our gas prices in Jackson,WI (North of Milwaukee) are $4.09 for regular unleaded.
Gas prices here in Eureka California have been holding at $4.39 for about 3 weeks now.
Gas prices in Charleston, South Carolina are about $3.66 per gallon right now for regular unleaded.
I paid $4.59 this morning in Sunnyvale, California! Yup…YIKES!!! A gas tip: if you visit http://www.gasbuddy.com/ and plug in your zip code, it will output and allow you to compare all the gas station prices in your area.
$4.11 in Buffalo, New York! YIKES!
In the Milwaukee suburbs, gas is $4.15. I just read that filling up in the morning or night when temperatures are cooler is best. Gas is denser when it’s colder, and is sold by volume, so you actually get a little more for your money.
Regular unleaded is about $4.05 average here in Miami. For your Florida readers: the Winn Dixie fuel perks program is AWESOME!
I save using Winn Dixie’s fuel perks program at Shell and using my Shell card. Last week I saved $1.60 per gallon ($32.00 total on 20 gallons- yes we did both cars) thanks to the Winn Dixie fuel perks alone. The Shell card saved me an extra $2.00 total. It’s not difficult at all considering I don’t have to do anything special- just continue buying my groceries and using coupons as usual. It’s saving us about $150 monthly.
$4.19 in Jackson WI which is north of Milwaukee.
We are at $4.29 in Indianapolis 🙁
4.19 In Kenosha, WI 🙁
Gas is $5.78/gal in Nova Scotia, we’re on the East Coast of Canada 🙁
Gas is $3.79-$3.99 / gal in Salem, Oregon
Gas is $3.65 in Hamilton,Ohio
Gas went UP almost 50 cents a gallon here. For the 3rd time in 2 months there is supposedly a supply problem related to the Joliet, IL refinery. Convenient that it happens the week of Memorial Day.
I am soooo excited! Gas prices here are dropping and are now down to 3.55 a gallon. Friday, I used my Kroger points and got $0.80 off per gallon!! So… I got gas for $2.84 a gallon!! WhooooHoooo!