My family is traveling, so I don’t have a Muffin Tin Meal for you this week. Instead, I’ll show you how easy a muffin tin meal is, and how to make them even better with no extra work.
A muffin tin meal is just a meal served in a muffin tin. The small portions are prefect for younger kids, and the tin makes it fun. While some awesome moms make very creative meals for their kids using muffin cups and other supplies, all you really need to do is put what you’ve already made in a muffin tin.
Here are some tips for making a fun muffin tin meal even more fun with NO extra effort.
1. Put bite-sized pieces in a mini muffin tin. Perfect for toddlers who still need food cut up.
2. Use holiday-themed silicon muffin cups. I used star muffin cups for 4th of July.
3. Use decorative paper muffin tin liners. This is actually less effort because you can throw them away instead of washing a dish. Paper muffin cup liners are available for every holiday, character, theme or color, and in different sizes. Check your local dollar store, the $1 Spot at Target, or a crafts store, or order online.
4. Let your kid help. By age 2 a child can help put food into individual sections of a muffin tin. If you’re using muffin tin meals as a way to help your picky eater get some variety, letting them help is an even better idea.
Interested in learning more about Muffin Tin Meals? Check out ways to save on Muffin Tin Meal supplies, my previous Muffin Tin Meals and this week’s Muffin Tin Monday link-ups at Muffin Tin Mom.
[…] in learning more about Muffin Tin Meals? Check out ways to save on Muffin Tin Meal supplies, Muffin Tin Meals Made Easy, my previous Muffin Tin Meals and this week’s Muffin Tin Monday link-ups at Muffin Tin […]