American Girl Dolls are always a popular items on little girls' Christmas wish lists. However, they can be outrageously expensive! With a little bit of planning and creativity, you can provide these … [Read more...]
Search Results for: Official
Elf on the Shelf Games
Elf on The Shelf Hide and Seek Game Elf On The Shelf Hide And Seek Game Based is on the best-selling book, this musical hide & seek game is destined to become your family's newest Christmas … [Read more...]
Family Road Trip Rules: Ten Ideas for Family Fun
Road trips are at the top of the list of things our family enjoys together. Air travel is great, but we believe that hitting the highways is an even better way to explore new places, try new things, … [Read more...]
Muffin Tin Monday: Muffin Tin Meal In the Car
The very first muffin tin meal I ever made, way before I'd even heard of the official Muffin Tin Meal, was put together as a snack for my then-2-year-old to eat in the car. I used four silicone … [Read more...]
Frugal Foreigner Cost Comparison: Gas
If you're new to my Frugal Foreigner posts, read all about what we're doing in India here! You can read all previous posts in the series here. After I took this picture of a gas station near … [Read more...]
Frugal Foreigner Cost Comparison: Milk
How much is a gallon of milk in your area? How much does your family drink each week? What if you couldn't get fresh milk? How much would you pay for packaged? Fresh milk is available in India … [Read more...]