How much is a gallon of milk in your area? How much does your family drink each week? What if you couldn't get fresh milk? How much would you pay for packaged? Fresh milk is available in India … [Read more...]
Search Results for: You Could Try Here
Frugal Foreigner Gets Around: Transportation in Bangalore
If you're new to my Frugal Foreigner posts, read all about it here! You can read all previous posts in the series here. This may be a good time to point out that if you'd ever like to enlarge a … [Read more...]
Gift Ideas: Inexpensive Chocolate Treats
Looking for an easy, inexpensive no-fail gift that everyone loves? Sweet treats are always a hit, and chocolate is at the top of that list. Here are some budget-friendly ideas that are sure to … [Read more...]
Reading, Recycling, and Rainbows = Frugal Fun for Little Ones!
To help instill the love of learning in my daughter, I try to add arts and crafts to our reading and math time. Here is a fun little craft that I did with her after reading The Rainbow Fish. (I … [Read more...]
Gift Idea: Super Easy, Super Cute Monogrammed Tote
I got this adorable gift idea from the November issue of Woman's Day magazine. When I read the directions, I thought, "There is no way this can be this easy AND come out this cute." But I was … [Read more...]
Easy Fall/Thanksgiving Centerpiece from Nature and the Dollar Store
I made a quick and easy centerpiece this afternoon using items from the dollar store and nature. Here's how I did it. First, we dumped out the trick-or-treat bucket and went for a nature walk to … [Read more...]