Sure, dinner and a movie can be fun-- but it can also easily set you back $100. Date night doesn't have to be expensive to be memorable. Challenging yourself to work within a budget for your night … [Read more...]
Search Results for: feel double
Simplifying Christmas: 13 Tips for a Stress-Free Holiday Season
Christmas isn't just the most wonderful time of the year, it's often the most stressful. When the busyness of the season takes away from its meaning, you know it's time to simplify. But what should … [Read more...]
Cool Thanksgiving Family Traditions to Start This Year
Sure, there's turkey, pumpkin pie, and the eat-drink-and-be-merry routine, but does your family have any other cool Thanksgiving traditions? If not, why not start one this year? Here are some fun … [Read more...]
101 Frugal Living Tips and Money Saving Ideas
We all want to squeeze a little bit more value out of each dollar, right? These are some relatively painless ways to save money without sacrificing your lifestyle or standard of living. In fact, … [Read more...]
21 Day Fix Derailment and Getting Out of Your Own Head
During my 21 Day Fix Challenge, I spent quiet a bit of time in a couple Facebook groups chatting and bouncing ideas off of others going through the same thing I am. A big change in daily habits … [Read more...]
21 Day Fix Health Challenge #2: 30 Days to a Happier You
* Photo credit Life Body Balanced I was going to wait until the first week in October to start my second challenge. I decided I didn't want to lose momentum so I'm starting a challenge group … [Read more...]