During my 21 Day Fix Challenge, I spent quiet a bit of time in a couple Facebook groups chatting and bouncing ideas off of others going through the same thing I am. A big change in daily habits … [Read more...]
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21 Day Fix Round 2!
I Monday I officially started my second round of 21 Day Fix. It's part of the 30 Days to A Happier You Challenge. I have developed some great habits from my previous Back to Basics … [Read more...]
21 Day Fix Health Challenge #2: 30 Days to a Happier You
* Photo credit Life Body Balanced I was going to wait until the first week in October to start my second challenge. I decided I didn't want to lose momentum so I'm starting a challenge group … [Read more...]
Why Beachbody? Why Shakeology? What is a 21 Day Fix?
For me, joining Beachbody was not about a life changing moment where I decided I wanted to change my life. I had and still battle serious bouts of depression and anxiety. I get overwhelmed by life … [Read more...]
21 Day Fix First Round Over!
I did it! My first 21 Day Fix Challenge is over! The three weeks actually went by pretty quickly. I like the program and learned a lot about myself and my habits. I learned what like and what I … [Read more...]
10 Top Rated Books for Parents: Pregnancy to Preschool
Ah the joys of parenting! Sometimes it feels so easy and other times you have no idea what you are doing! Here are 10 top rated books for parents from pregnancy through preschool. All of the books … [Read more...]