21 Day Fix challenges are no joke. When they say “challenge” they mean it. The challenge groups I participate in are 30 days long. It includes 7 days of prep, 3 weeks (21 days) of the 21 Day Fix, then 2 days follow-up. It’s really great to have the support of the group and the daily check-in. Plus the themed daily lessons and assignments help too. Here are the two challenges I have participated in:
Throughout my life I have struggled with anxiety. I can be a perfectionist, hard on myself, and I don’t handle stress well. A full schedule gives me “brain overload” and I get really stressed out, even if the events themselves aren’t stressful. I have been trying to manage it for as long as I can remember but it constantly comes back. The anxiety then leads to depression. Depression is different for everyone. It’s kind of a wide-range diagnosis. In fact it’s so wide that many people can get depressed and not realize it. See all of the symptoms HERE. For me personally my symptoms include, loss of interest. lack of patience and irritability, lack of energy, sleep issues, and frequent headaches. When I get overwhelmed with anxiety that leads to my “funks” I honestly could just hide away in my bed with my Kindle all day while eating chocolate. These episodes can sometimes be as frequent as once or twice a month and last up to a week. Sometimes I can go a month or two and not experience any at all. It’s kind of random which makes it annoying. I can’t “snap out of it” and it just makes my life harder than it has to be. I literally get depressed for what seems like no reason at all. I mean my life isn’t perfect but it’s pretty good and I’m mostly content. I honestly can’t complain yet I get depressed regularly. Go figure!
Naturally 21 Day Fix Challenges are even more difficult than they have to be. During my “episodes” I lose sight of my long term goals and every moment of the challenge seems like an uphill battle. I wrote articles about Motivations and Getting Out of My Own Head because I wanted something to look back on and visually remind me of what I really want.
Don’t get my wrong, I’m not saying depression and anxiety are excuses as to not meeting my goals. I’m just saying that it makes me have to work that much harder. Everyone has their challenges when it comes to weight loss and getting healthy. These are mine. I conquered the hydration problem. (Yay!). I actually like working out at the gym. (I know, right?!) I also really like fruits and vegetables, whole grains, etc. Some days I literally have to drag myself out of bed and get going. I will tell you that I’m always glad I did.
My second health challenge is almost over and I’ve had a rough last week. I know I’m not seeing the miracle results that I saw during the first 30 days, but the important thing is that I’m still at it! I want to get down to a size 8 clothing (from my current 12-14) and I’m going to keep doing these challenges until I get there. I work out with one of my closest friends and I see the progress she has made the past year. There is also another women who is a mother of two small children who works out every morning as well. She is about my height and weighs about what I did when I started the 21 Day Fix. I look at how strong and healthy she now and it gives me hope. I know what I’m doing works, I just have to keep fighting.
If you struggle with anxiety and depression while trying to lose weight and get healthy, please message me at [email protected]. Also, check out these 21 Day Fix Recipes and Resources.
I know this post is a bit aged now however I am so thankful for it! I currently have a beach body coach but have had a hard time explaining why I just “disappear” or become less active in the groups. I was goggling depression and 21day fix and that is how I found your page and your write up of “The 21 Day Fix and Dealing with Depression: The Struggle is Real”. You took the words right out of my mouth I know exactly how you feel and that has been my biggest struggle along with being lonely. Thank you so much for writing this I think I needed to hear that its not just me that faces this. Thank you!
Ps I noticed you are from MN I am also from MN!