22 Unique Uses for Listerine Mouthwash
Listerine and other mouthwashes are obviously created to freshen your breath and kill germs in your mouth. However, because of the alcohol and essential oil content within, there are several other ways it can be used. Here are just some of them. We want to hear more! In the comments below, tell us how you use Listerine Mouthwash.
- If you have a toothache, try dabbing some Listerine on the painful area. It should help numb it.
- Run out of deodorant? Dip a cotton ball into some Listerine and dab it on your under arms.
- Mouthwash also makes a good aftershave lotion in a pinch.
- New body piercing? Dab some Listerine around the pierced area to prevent infection.
- Get rid of dandruff by massaging mouthwash into your scalp. Then it rinse out with your normal shampoo.
- Listerine can help prevent the spread of lice in your hair. Soak your hair in Listerine and cover it with a shower cap for 2 hrs. Then, wash and rinse your hair like normal.
- Get rid of ticks! Fold up a paper towel and soak it in Listerine. Place it on top of the tick and leave it there for a few seconds. The tick should let go.
- Use mouthwash to treat itchy skin from: allergies, poison ivy, bug bites, psoriasis, and acne.
- Apply it to bee and wasp stings to relieve the pain quickly.
- Dab some Listerine onto blisters to keep them from getting infected.
- Because of the bacteria-killing properties, Listerine can be used to clean cuts and scrapes.
- Get rid of toe and nail fungus by soaking your feet in mouthwash mixed with water.
- Bruise easily? Dab some Listerine onto a cotton ball and apply it to the bruised area. It should help with blood flow and make the bruise heal faster.
- Pour 1/2 a cup of Listerine down your garbage disposal to get rid of odors.
- Kitchen trash odor? Soak a paper towel in Listerine and put it at the bottom of your trash can to help eliminate kitchen odors.
- Add a cup of Listerine to a load of laundry to kill germs as well as clean your washing machine (use with your regular detergent).
- Clean the screens of your television and computer with Listerine and a soft cloth.
- Listerine is a good sanitizer for your bathroom. You can wipe down mirrors, sinks, cabinet fixtures, floors, and pretty much anything else with a mixture of Listerine and water. It can also help with mold and mildew.
- Soak your toothbrush in Listerine to get rid of germs.
- Pour 1/2 a cup of Listerine down your toilet and swirl it around with a toilet brush. Let it sit for 1/2 an hour and then flush it. It will get rid of germs and odor.
- Get rid of mildew and fungus from the soil of your plants by mixing 1 parts Listerine with 3 parts water into a spray bottle. Spray the area where the plant meets the soil once a week.
- Clean your humidifier with water and mouth wash to prevent the growth of mold and mildew.
*Note: These may not work for everyone all the time. Let us know which ones work for you!
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You should never use anything with alcohol into it on a new or old piercing. Unless it’s listerine zero keep it away from the piercings. Alcohol and peroxide does more harm to piercings then good and makes them take much longer to heal. I have 11 piercings, I kinda know what I’m talking about.
Also many of the tvs with lcd screen should not be cleaned with alcohol, it removes the protective film on the screen that prevents scratches. At the most the screens should be cleaned with a microfiber cloth and for tough spots, use a proper tv screen cleaner, it protects the film on it instead of removing it.
For the last few months, I’ve been dabbing Listerine on a couple of toenails thatlook like they are developing a nail fungus and the are looking healthier than ever.
I am from the old school and was raised on Listerine the old kind.. not the blue and others. I do know its great for pimples and scrapes and any rash. When growing up my grandma had us use Listerine very small amount with water and use as a douche . No one in the family ever had any problems. and for the men to use to clean them selves also.. But of course you will hear .. don’t do this and don’t d that.. I am in my seventies and never had any issue from using it correctly..
I am a professional body modification artist.
#4 is NOT a good tip. Do not use it. It’s too strong and will dry out your piercing leaving it prone to infection. It will also burn like a butt.
Use Listerine Original in a spray bottle as a fly, mosquito, & tick repellent. Started using on my goats & dogs 9 years ago. Since they lick themselves I did not want to use chemicals as deet.
Walks are now wonderful! & they have geat breath tooo!!!
Use a water/Listerine solution on concrete floors to remove pet urine odor.
Obviously, these uses would go well with any Listerine products other than Listerine Zero Alcohol mouthwash right?
I’ve use listerine and water to get blood out of clothes
I have been using Listerine Original for years as a mouth wash, but more importantly as the flu buster. I have encouraged all my friends and family member to gargle with this product at the second sneeze or first itchy cough…then I promptly forget. The players who comply never get the flu and had to miss any training session. My wife used to ignore my pleas for her to comply and she would move on to get at least cold….After many years she conceded for me to record my first ever and last win in an argument with her! I am suggesting a product focus or re-branding to fight the flu…Those who refuse the flu shots have this option but I don’t hear any thing from your Product Development or Marketing people….but my family and my friends and soccer teams are happy winter campers. Thanks; great product…I am 68 years old with the long term empirical evidence.. absolutely no side effect so no need for further research…but perhaps this information may hurt your other products?
The Soccer Football Whisperer