Save Money on Shipping Christmas Gifts
Christmas is expensive enough; so don’t let the cost of mailing gifts break your holiday budget! Here are some tips for saving on shipping costs when mailing gifts to friends and family.
- When selecting gifts to mail to out-of-town friends and family, opt for lightweight items that don’t cost much to send (such as gift cards, magazine subscriptions, or Netflix subscriptions).
- Use flat-rate boxes that are free from the USPS. When you go shopping, make sure that all the gifts for each family fit inside the box. Flat-rate boxes can be especially economical if you’re mailing heavy things (such as books).
- Purchase items online and have them sent directly to the recipient. Even if you have to pay extra for gift wrap, it’s usually less expensive than doing it yourself and paying to ship from your home. Amazon Prime is a great option, you can ship many items in two days or less! More Amazon Prime Perks
- When shipping things overseas, opt for the “slow boat” option – just make sure you give your package plenty of time to arrive. Or, look for merchants (such as to order from that will ship within the recipient’s country.
- Send your gifts along with a friend or family member who is going that way and can hand-deliver it for you. actually ships for FREE within the UK.
Another tip is to plan ahead and exchange gifts at Thanksgiving if you may be seeing relatives then. They can take them home and set them under their tree until Christmas.
There is no longer a “slow Boat” option for over seas. My best friend and BIL live in Europe and the post office says there is no longer a slow boat option.
Actually, there is still a “slow” boat option, its called Parcel Post, or Parcel Airlift. My mom sends us stuff this way all the time and allows up to two months for things to get here, since it literally does go on a boat. Parcel Post is the cheapest way to send things, and parcel airlift is the second cheapest. then first class, then priority.
shipping books can actually be cheaper sending it USPS media mail,it may take a little longer but you can save a whole lot of money when shipping books this way.
When shipping to an APO, they have special flat rate shipping boxes just for them. They are a little smaller than the Large Flat Rate boxes and like $2 cheaper. They will say on the box APO on them….if they don’t have them out at your local post office, ask at the counter.