Recently, we asked the Mommysavers Forum members to answer this question: "If you were going to give advice to someone new to frugality on how to cut your grocery bill in half, what would you say?" … [Read more...]
Search Results for: Going On This Site
School Lunch Superhero Day + FREE Printable Thank-You Notes
We often focus on the teachers, and rightly so - but school lunch cafeteria employees are important part of your child's school experience as well. School Lunch Superhero Day is taking place on … [Read more...]
Elf on the Shelf Ideas: 51 MORE Creative Suggestions
At Mommysavers, our members are the best source of Elf on the Shelf ideas. Some of these have been posted in our Elf on the Shelf Gallery, others in our Elf on the Shelf Ideas forum threads. If you … [Read more...]
Shopping Strategies: Where (and How) to Find the LeapFrog LeapPad Explorer
The LeapPad Explorer by LeapFrog seems to be this holiday season's hottest toy, but you'll have a hard time finding it! We've got a few tips to help you satisfy your child's Christmas wishes without … [Read more...]
Scrappin’ on a Shoestring: Budget Scrapbooking Techniques by Kimberly Danger
For those of you who’ve caught the scrapbooking bug, you know that it can be addicting. Just like any addiction, it can also be expensive. Having been a scrapbooker for over ten years and a cheapskate … [Read more...]
8 Tips to Save on Child Care by Jeffrey Strain
Child care costs are are one of the most expensive costs associated with going back to work. Finding ways to cut down on child care costs without sacrificing quality child care … [Read more...]