What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Valentine's Day? Is it $$$? It seems that Valentine's Day is one of those holidays, that if you don't spend A LOT of money on your loved … [Read more...]
Kids Valentine’s Day Crafts: Deck of Cards, Playing Card Banner and Hug Me Valentines
Here's a fun and easy Valentine's Day craft to do with your kids. Pick up a deck of playing cards from the dollar store and make Valentine pals. I showed my preschooler how to fold accordion-style … [Read more...]
Lollipop Valentines: Easy Valentine’s Day Classroom Craft
Lollipop Valentines: Easy Valentine's Day Classroom Craft Want a creative, easy, yet super-frugal idea for your child's classroom Valentines this year? All this one requires is a camera, a bag of … [Read more...]
Kids Valentine’s Day Craft: Paper Conversation Heart Wreath
My preschooler and I both had a great time doing this easy kids craft for Valentine's Day. I wanted a homemade Valentine's Day decoration, and I think conversation hearts are so cute (though not so … [Read more...]
Kids Craft: Love Bug Valentine’s Day Cards
My preschooler and I made these cute love bug Valentine's Day cards to send to her cousins and friends. They were super easy and fun to make. She is getting very good with a glue stick. To … [Read more...]
Cute Valentine’s Day Gift Basket For Only $5
When I taught preschool I was pleasantly surprised at how many included teachers in their Valentine's Day gift giving. My favorites were drawings from my students that I got to put on my fridge at … [Read more...]