DOES YOUR FRIDGE LOOK LIKE THIS? Mine doesn't either! LOL I have great intentions when it comes to cleaning and decluttering, but I sometimes lack follow-through. ME: I'm going to organize ALL the things and spark some freaking JOY!ALSO ME: … [Read more...]
Search Results for: who are
Simple Living: Tips and Resources for an Intentional Life
What Does Living a Simple Life Mean? Generally, simple living means leading a life with less stuff and fewer obligations than the average person. In a world where we all have a limited resources, it means being very intentional about how time and … [Read more...]
101 Fun Date Night Ideas (For Any Budget)
Sure, dinner and a movie can be fun-- but it can also easily set you back $100. Date night doesn't have to be expensive to be memorable. Challenging yourself to work within a budget for your night out (or in) can result in doing things that get you … [Read more...]
101 Frugal Living Tips and Money Saving Ideas
We all want to squeeze a little bit more value out of each dollar, right? These are some relatively painless ways to save money without sacrificing your lifestyle or standard of living. In fact, some of these tips will actually IMPROVE your way of … [Read more...]
Treating Yourself During the 21 Day Fix (Not Food)
I completely believe in the theory about looking good making your feel good. For example, if you feeling low in energy and you wear a pair of pajama pants, flip flops, a ratty tee, etc to run errands, you are going to continually feel … [Read more...]
OK I’m Convinced! Beach Body Here I Come!
Introduction I have been posting deals and money saving ideas for a while but never actually introduced myself. My name is Bekah and I'm 33 years old. I live in the great state of Pennsylvania with my husband and two daughters who are 5 and 8 years … [Read more...]